Monday, May 2, 2011

DD 214

I was cleaning up a bit and came across my DD 214, aka my Navy discharge paper. May 6 2007. Four years ago. Seems like a lifetime ago. Hard to remember that time. Maybe I blocked it out. Maybe I feel like such a completely different person that it is hard to imagine that was me.

Four years has brought around so many new things for me. But mainly, it has brought me to me. It has shaped me and formed me and made me comfortable with who I am.

My time in the Navy was rough. It beat me down, drug me around, kick me a bit. But in the end, it made me who I am. It gave me insight into myself. It made me take a long look in the mirror and be happy with me.
And it gave me my husband. Sometimes I forget that he knew that girl. That was the girl he fell for. I don't feel like that girl. I know somewhere deep inside, she is still there. But in general, I don't see her.

I was defeated and lost and confused. I didn't know where I was heading, or, quite frankly, how I had ended up where I was. I didn't know who to turn to, or which path to take next, or even how to figure it out. But somehow, life happened, and I got up off my couch, got a new job, and started on the next chapter of my life.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Sometimes there is just too much rattling around in my head to get it down on "paper". I have tried to start writing this blog three times. And each time I end up erasing it. I don't know how to express what is going on inside right now.

This is a poem I found in a book I read when I was in junior high. I still remember the feeling I got when I read it. It described my feelings so accurately! It was as though it was written for me.

I used to wish that I could find
A friend, a special one.
I dreamed she would be wonderful.
I dreamed she would be fun.

I thought of us with jokes to tell
And secrets we would share.
I knew that when I hurt inside
She would really care.

I dreamed that we would laugh a lot
And hardly ever fight.
But if we did, then both of us
Would try to make it right.

I used to know a lot of girls
But never could I find
This one girl I kept wishing for,
The friend inside my mind.

Then you came banging into my life
And all I wished came true.
I have the friend I dreamed about --

from Jean Little's book "Look Through My Window"

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I have come to the realization that people really don't think about anyone but themselves. For the most part. Even people who call themselves your friends.

Of course there are always the exceptions to this, as with any generalization.

But overall I am finding it to be true.
Take my new house for example. There are three condo style home attached to each other. I am in the middle. On the one side, the neighbors are gone for a long period of time, so I don't know how they will be. On the other side, inconsiderate. They play their music loud. All I can hear in my house is their base. Rude. Do they think they live in a house? Do they think I want to listen to their music? Do they think at all?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Who do you think you are?

It's a new year. And with new years comes reflection on the years gone by. Last night out to dinner I was reminded of my age and was thinking about how long ago 22 was and how different I am now. I feel like a whole new person.
Which got me thinking about how well people around me really know me. There are certain things about myself that when I tell people, they are shocked. It always takes me aback. I don't know if I just expect that they should know it, or what. Sometimes it really makes me wonder what kind of person they think that I am.
I know that everyone has parts of themselves that are private, parts they hide. Hidden not always out of embarrassment or shame, sometimes out of protection or fear. I know there are a lot of parts of me that few people ever get to see. It's not a bad thing. I just find it interesting when people think that they really know you inside and out, and so they make judgments about you based on what they know.
It has taken me a lot of years to get to the place in my life that I am happy with who I am. And now that I am here, I find it interesting to step back and see how others perceive me.
I've come to learn recently that some people think I am cold, some think I'm great fun, some think I will never have children, some think I am country or white-trash, some think I'm wild, and some think I am emotionally strong. Makes me stop and think what vibe I am putting out there.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Down spun

I have been actively putting money into a retirement plan since my first real job, when I was 19. I have a decent lump saved now and continue to put money in every month. During the past few years when the recession has hit hard, my shares have fluctuated greatly. Sometimes I wince when I open my quarterly statement and see how much I've lost. But then I tell myself, I have at least 40 years until I can retire, it's bound to recover before then!
I have a 401k open with my current job and while I don't put a lot of money in every month, they have an outstanding matching percentage, so the money is building up quite nicely. And hey, who would say no to free money? Not this girl!
Now if only I can get my husband to start a retirement plan too! I can't be saving for the both of us!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I forgot that I had this blog. It's been quite a while since I have used it. I only have one follower. But sometimes it's just nice to be able to put my thoughts out there are get them out of my head.

Lately I have been noticing a lot of discussions about belief. I don't know if it is just something that people are now talking about more openly now or if I just never noticed it before. Last night I was watching Glee and the theme of the show was spirituality and religion. They were shocked that the one boy didn't believe in God or anything at all.
In the past week, reincarnation, ghosts, soul mates, and guides came up.
In the past few months, it has been religion, God, aliens, karma and evolution.

I have opinions on some of these things, but not all of them. Some of them I would have to see to believe. This post isn't for me to discuss my beliefs though.

I just find it interesting to hear what other people believe, but more so why they believe it. When discussing God a few months ago an atheist asked me how can I not believe in evolution. I think that everyone is entitled to believe what they believe, as long as they have a reason for it. I would never just believe something just because.

The theme Glee was that it didn't matter what you believed, as long as you believe in something. They felt that everyone needed something to hold on to.

I tend to be very logical. But I don't necessarily do a lot of research, so my belief system does not extend very far. Some of the things that have been brought up, I merely don't have an interest in, or feel that I need to figure out in order to live my life.

Sorry, this is a random and pretty botchy post...

Monday, March 2, 2009

I got a whole lot done on Friday night when I got home from work. Unpacked almost everything in the spare room. But I made a big mess out of the kitchen in doing so.

But the rest of the weekend, nothing got done. I got a dress for Krista's wedding. And chilled out. Worked. Went out to eat a few times. Watched a lot of tv. What a life.